Watt Watchers of Texas: Texas is Too Good To Waste™

Free Energy Education Activities

If you are looking for classroom activities focused on energy consumption that includes actionable ways to teach students about saving energy at your school, you have come to the right place!

These student activities supplement an energy conservation and energy efficiency curriculum. These exercises reinforce teaching and learning and are designed to increase awareness of how conserving energy, water, and materials is achievable in our everyday life.

We’ve divided the activities into six themes, but many are cross-curricular and cross-topic. Many are appropriate for a single class period or take-home assignment. Feel free to use or combine them in any order for a rich learning experience.

When your school participates in and implements a curriculum of energy conservation and energy efficiency, the Watt Watchers of Texas are here to help you supplement your efforts with our free energy activities and lessons to use in your classroom. These energy activities are designed to reinforce teaching and learning as well as increase awareness of how best to conserve energy in our daily lives.

In an effort to make these energy lessons for students as useful as possible for you as teachers, administrators, and staff, we have divided them into six themes which often have cross-over with other categories. Feel free to enact them whichever way you think is best: in-class assignments, take home tasks, or other types of student work. They are also further divided by grade level to help ensure that your students get the right lesson plans for their age.

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