Watt Watchers of Texas: Texas is Too Good To Waste™

The Student Energy Patrol Program

The Student Patrol Program is the heart of the Watt Watchers of Texas. Your students will join Lil’ Tex and Ann as official Watt Watchers, helping to save Texas by rounding up the Wasters Gang. Here are some steps you should take in setting up your program:


You’ve already taken the first step!

Start by accessing the free content on this website. You can download forms, templates, guides, and other resources to print and use with your students. Other resources, like this page, provide information you can bookmark in your web browser to return to later.


Get support from the administration, teachers, and staff.

Set up a meeting with your administrators to discuss the Watt Watchers program and how it is going to benefit your school. All of the benefits are listed here and here.

The whole school participates in Watt Watchers and it is very important to inform everyone from teachers and administrators to custodians and volunteers. Tickets are reminders to help people establish energy efficient habits. Enthusiastic and supportive staff make it more fun and more effective. Here’s a sample letter you can share that explains how the program makes a difference in your school and your district and lays the foundations for a school-wide conversation about how Texas is too good to waste.


Develop procedures for your building.

Where, when and how often will the Watt Watchers patrol? Consider times when classrooms are normally empty such as lunch, recess, before and after school. Which rooms and areas will be included? Will any areas be off limits? Do you want to include doors, windows, ceiling fans, computers or other wasters? How will the bathrooms, stage areas, teacher’s workroom, offices and closets be handled? Where will the Watt Watcher patrols pick up and store their supplies? What extra supplies will you need? These are all things that you will need to decide before setting up your team of patrols. This page has suggestions on using a map of your school to plan patrol routes.


Prepare your patrol materials.

We’ve made lots of templates for you to use here. Print out name badges for the Watt Watchers to wear on patrol. Print tickets or door hangers for the patrol to leave when the find energy being wasted or saved. Print copies of the Patrol Record and Patrol Record Guide to use during patrols.


Share “Texas is Too Good to Waste” with your class.

Simply print out this 8-page comic and follow Lil’ Tex and Ann as they track down the Wasters Gang! See how the Watt Watchers follow the Wasters’ trail of wasted energy and water to their secret hideout. Then for grades K–2, complete the activities at the end of the book.


Choose the students to be Watt Watchers.

This program is successful at any grade level and with diverse student populations including at-risk, learning disabled, special education, and gifted and talented. Being a Watt Watcher could provide recognition to students who rarely receive opportunities for leadership. The younger the students, the more supervision needed. The students must want to participate and be able to carry out the tasks consistently and honorably. Here are some more tips for starting your patrols.

Being a member of the Watt Watchers of Texas program is a privilege and a responsibility to be taken seriously. You can use this agreement for your students. The contract underscores the importance of being on the team and is a reminder of duties that students must perform.


It’s time to go on your first patrol!

We suggest making this patrol a secret. The secret patrol will allow you to see how much the program is needed in your school. On this patrol you will be able to show the students how to do the program without passing out the tickets or thank you notes; you will just mark the patrol record. This will give you an idea of which classrooms are going to need the most help in remembering to turn the lights out! The students need to be trained. The advisor or students in charge should remind the patrol on the procedures for picking up supplies, hallway etiquette, and filling out the patrol record form. This page has more information on the secret patrol.


Get started and keep going.

Intercom announcements, such as “Watt Watchers are Watching!” arouse the interest before patrols begin. Here are some sample announcements to help you get started. An assembly to introduce the other students to the program can be helpful. Inform the media. Support from the principal keeps interest high. Here are some chants and skit ideas you can use to help kick off the year. Occasional announcements of Watt Watchers patrol results; recognition of rooms and grade levels which have good records; bulletin board displays; energy efficiency competitions between areas; special notes or privileges for winners; and pats on the backs for the patrols and staff are little things which make successful programs.


Celebrate your success!

Award the Zero Hero Award and Most Improved Award to the classes that save the most energy. Don’t forget to recognize your Watt Watchers with their own Certificates of Achievement. Read more about the awards and download them here.

Follow students from Pflugerville ISD on a Watt Watchers of Texas patrol.

Watt Watchers of Texas is a Partner Program of Smart Energy Education.
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