Watt Watchers of Texas: Texas is Too Good To Waste™

Initial Press Release

When you are starting or restarting a Watt Watchers program in your school or district, you may want to communicate your project to stakeholders outside your school. The text copied below on this page can help you start the discussion with a community newsletter or your local newspaper.

This letter is also available as a PDF for printing.


Contact: Juan Garcia, (512) 577-7017, juan@getdis.co

LOCAL CONTACT: __________________ (sponsor’s name)

The ______________________ Independent School District is implementing a new energy education program at __________________________________. They introduced the Watt Watchers of Texas program on ________________, ________. This program enables schools to save energy dollars while students learn energy saving habits.

Students chosen to be a part of Watt Watchers of Texas patrol assigned areas of the school, checking for lights left on in unused areas. The Watt Watchers leave “tickets” for energy wasters and may leave thank you notes where their recorded data shows consistent energy efficiency.

The students actively promote energy efficiency, learn new habits and teach others about energy conservation.

The Watt Watchers of Texas office provides materials, technical support, and training of the students and staff as a free service to encourage energy efficiency. In a typical Texas school, lighting accounts for 1/3 of energy use. Watt Watchers of Texas has assisted many schools across Texas in reducing electric bills.

This program is funded by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, State Energy Conservation Office, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the University of Texas at Austin.

Press Release

Watt Watchers of Texas is a Partner Program of Smart Energy Education.
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