Watt Watchers of Texas: Texas is Too Good To Waste™

Sample Announcements

Your Watt Watchers of Texas patrol groups are doing a great service to the school. Promote these facts to your whole school through announcements. Publicly thank teachers who have shown consistent energy efficiency. Announce any extra projects you may be adding to your watch. You could even give a general location of the school that needs some extra help remembering to turn off their lights.

Sample 1:

Did you know that our school electricity bill is $11,700 each month? After we started the Watt Watchers patrols, our bill went down by $3,500 dollars each month. Over a year, that could pay for all new playground equipment. Would you like to pay more electric bills or have more swings? Please remember to turn off the lights in the classroom when you leave.

Sample 2:

The Watt Watchers have been patrolling our school for two months. We would like to thank Mrs. Wood in room 227 and Mr. Thomas in room 112 for always turning their lights off when they leave the classroom. Keep up the good work.

Sample 3:

The Watt Watchers will be adding outside doors to our patrols this week. We will be checking to make sure all doors to the outside are closed so we don’t air condition the playground. Please make sure you close the door behind you when you enter the building or go to the portables. We will be placing signs on the doors as a reminder to you as well.

Sample 4:

The Watt Watchers have noticed that certain areas of the building are having trouble remembering to turn their lights off when they leave the classroom. Could all students help the second floor of the North wing remember? Remember that there will be an award at the end of the year for the classroom that makes the most improvement.

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