Watt Watchers of Texas: Texas is Too Good To Waste™

The Watt Watchers of Texas Blog

Public Transportation

June 17, 2019
During the school year, students could arrive to school by car, by bus, or even walking or by bike. Even over the summer, many cities leverage buses as part of their public transportation strategy in order to keep people mobile while reducing pollution and community costs. The Watt Watchers team has prepared an activity that […]
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Tire Efficiency

June 3, 2019
Once school is out, lots of families hit the road through the summer months. Whether by car, train, or plane, lots of Texans take advantage of the wide open space to travel and explore new places. Watt Watchers is taking the month of June to look at transportation. Looking first at private automobiles, America is […]
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Renewable Generation in Texas

May 20, 2019
From Houston's energy corridor to Dallas, Texas is known as a big energy state. Many know the state ranks highly in oil and gas production (and consumption) but everyone should know about Texas's strong renewable sector. For example, Texas leads the country in wind-powered electricity generation.¹ However, solar, conventional hydro, municipal solid waste, wood waste, […]
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Know Your Renewables

May 6, 2019
The Watt Watchers focus for the month of May is Renewable Energy. Here's a list of all the activities related to renewable energy that are part of the Watt Watchers archive. Solar Power Geothermal Energy Hydropower Wind Biomass Each of these activities references Energy 101: Energy Technology & Policy. Access to Energy 101 for Texas […]
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TEMA Conference 2019

April 29, 2019
The Texas Energy Managers Association Conference begins tomorrow in Waco, Texas. If you’ve registered for the conference, join the Watt Watchers team as we review the past year of developments and look forward to new developments in the future. This conference celebrates the tenth year of educating and building community for Texas Energy Managers, and […]
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What's On For Your Earth Day?

April 15, 2019
Earth Day (22 April 2019) is a global event mobilizing millions of people around the world into political and civic participation. Organizations and individuals in more than 190 countries around the world march, sign petitions, meet with elected officials, plant trees, and clean up their towns and roads. Corporations and public sector agencies time their […]
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