Watt Watchers of Texas: Texas is Too Good To Waste™

In the United States, climate control is a major driver of energy consumption in the built environment. After all, it's a large country with a vast variety of different climates, ranging from below freezing temperatures in Alaska to the beachy paradise of Hawaii. It's no wonder people seek to make their homes as comfortable as possible. Especially when faced with extreme weather. So how do they do it? By using energy to heat or cool their homes. 

Living in the modern world can be very convenient when you have access to energy. Unfortunately, the process of making your space the perfect temperature can be a bit expensive. So the question becomes, how can people heat or cool their homes in the most affordable way possible? One effective way to estimate the energy required for climate control is through the calculation of heating degree-days (HDD) and cooling degree-days (CDD). These metrics provide valuable insights into how much energy will be needed to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures, helping to plan and optimize energy use in residential and commercial buildings alike. 

Understanding Degree-Days

So, what exactly is a degree day? A degree day is a compound metric that measures either the number of days with a 1° temperature change or the number of degrees changed within a single day, which can be useful for both heating and cooling needs. For instance, 10-degree days could represent ten days, each requiring a 1° adjustment or a single day needing a 10° adjustment. This metric helps quantify energy demand for heating (heating degree days, HDD) or cooling (cooling degree days, CDD) based on deviations from a base temperature. Homeowners can use degree day data to their advantage to estimate and budget for energy usage, optimize energy consumption with efficient systems, and save costs. Additionally, it assists farmers and gardeners in planning planting and harvesting schedules by providing a measure of heat accumulation essential for crop growth. Because of this, understanding degree days enables better management of energy needs, leading to cost savings and increased efficiency. Let's analyze these two measurements in more detail.

Heating Degree-Days (HDD)

Heating degree-days (HDDs) are calculated based on the difference between the daily average temperature and a base temperature of 65°F (18°C), which is considered a comfortable indoor temperature. If the average outdoor temperature is below 65°F, the difference between 65°F and the average temperature is the number of heating-degree days for that day. For example, if the daily average temperature is 55°F, that day accounts for 10 heating degree days (65°F - 55°F = 10 HDD).

Keep in mind that the number of heating degree-days varies by region and is influenced by local climate conditions. Colder regions accumulate more heating-degree days annually, indicating a higher demand for energy to maintain indoor warmth. On the other hand, milder climates accrue fewer heating-degree days.

Cooling Degree-Days (CDD)

Cooling degree days measure the energy required to cool a building. CDDs are calculated similarly to HDDs but in the opposite direction. When the daily average temperature exceeds the base temperature of 65°F, the difference between the average temperature and 65°F represents the cooling degree days for that day. For example, if the daily average temperature is 75°F, that day contributes 10 cooling degree-days (75°F - 65°F = 10 CDD). Regions with hotter climates accumulate more cooling-degree days, demonstrating a greater need for air conditioning to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures. Alternatively, cooler areas will have fewer cooling-degree days.

Heating and cooling degree-days are essential tools for estimating energy consumption in buildings. By analyzing the degree-days, energy providers and planners can predict the energy demand and optimize the supply accordingly. This information is also crucial for homeowners and businesses to understand their potential energy costs and to make informed decisions about energy efficiency improvements.

To delve deeper into energy concepts and explore a variety of engaging activities, visit the Watt Watchers of Texas. Read our latest blogs and discover fun energy games and activities that can empower you to become more energy-conscious and proactive in your daily life. Take the next step towards a more sustainable future with the Watt Watchers of Texas!

Activity 1: Looking at Data
This activity is appropriate for individuals and for groups. Project or print the following map and graph for your students. Ask them the following questions about the data.

U.S. Energy Information Administration Degree-day Regions

* Texas is located in which region? [West South Central]
* How many regions does the U.S. Energy Information Administration use to analyze degree-days? [9]
* Which region has the highest number of heating degree-days? What is the number of heating degree-days in that region? [New England, about 6500 heating degree-days (6518)]
* Which region has the highest number of cooling degree-days? What is the number of cooling degree-days in that region? [West South Central, about 2700 cooling degree-days (2747)]
* Which region requires more cooling degree-days than heating degree-days? [West South Central]

Activity 2: Calculating Degree-days
Working as a class or individually, calculate the number of degree-days in a given week. If you undertake this activity in January, you may be considering heating degree-days. If you undertake this activity in August, you will likely be looking at cooling degree-days. The process is as follows. 

Use the weather almanac, newspaper, or an online weather reporting service to collect and record the mean temperature for the day. Repeat this process for five days. Then calculate the number of degrees between 65°F and the mean temperature of each day. The spread of degrees on a single day is the number of degree-days to record for that day. If the mean temperature is higher than 65°F, then the day collects cooling degree-days, because cooling is required. The opposite is true for heating degree-days. If the mean temperature of the day is 65°F, then record 0 degree-days. At the end of the calculations, take a sum of the number of heating degree-days and the number of cooling degree-days. How many degree-days did your region collect this week? Each degree-day collected contributes to the consumption of energy for cooling and heating.

The EIA uses a regional average to calculate the number of respective degree-days to assign to regions throughout the year, but this exercise will introduce students to how quickly energy can be consumed just to keep warm and cool. 

Example Solution:
The data in these tables was taken from a U.S. weather data almanac for Fredericksburg, Texas. The number of degree-days is calculated as the difference between the average temperature and 65°F. Negative differences denote heating degree-days, and positive differences denote cooling degree-days. Therefore, the dates 1 to 5 October accrue 26.15 cooling degree-days. The dates 27 to 31 October accrue 11.45 heating degree-days.

A full explanation of degree-days and how the Energy Information Administration calculates and analyzes them is available through the Energy Units and Calculators Explained Series: Degree-Days
These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only, and the inclusion thereof does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. Although we make every effort to ensure these links are accurate, up to date and relevant, we are not responsible for content on third-party sites.

Water is often regarded as a renewable resource, given its continuous circulation through the hydrological cycle. However, despite its seemingly endless accessibility some people have, water is not an unlimited commodity. It is true that the planet is rich with water, yet not all of it is readily accessible or clean. Freshwater, the lifeblood of communities worldwide, is the key to sustaining life and supporting ecosystems. Yet, there's a critical distinction between freshwater that exists and freshwater that is clean, potable, and readily available for human consumption. Glaciers, for instance, store a significant portion of the Earth's freshwater resources in the form of ice. However, accessing this pristine water is often challenging due to its remote locations and the substantial energy requirements for extraction. Compounding this challenge is the accelerating rate of glacier melt caused by global warming, jeopardizing a vital source of freshwater for many regions.

Water usage patterns vary significantly around the globe, with some regions exhibiting alarming levels of overconsumption. Nowhere is this more apparent than in countries like The United States and China, where water usage per capita far exceeds global averages. Factors including extensive agriculture, industrial activities, an overall lack of community resources and a growing population contribute to the strain on water resources, highlighting the urgent need for conservation measures and sustainable practices.

Taking shorter showers, turning off the lights and sealing off leaks can make a big difference when it comes to water conservation. But it’s important to keep in mind that the overconsumption of water extends beyond domestic use and permeates various sectors of industry and agriculture. From manufacturing processes to irrigation in agricultural settings, water is a critical component of production. Because of this, if left unchecked, water usage in these sectors can exacerbate the challenges of climate change and water scarcity significantly. As global temperatures rise and weather patterns become increasingly erratic, water scarcity becomes a pressing concern for communities worldwide. The interplay between overconsumption, climate change, and water scarcity underscores the need for holistic solutions that address both demand-side and supply-side factors. Everyone needs to make changes. 

From a consumer perspective, solutions to water-related challenges require a multifaceted approach. Individuals can contribute to conservation efforts by adopting water-efficient practices in their daily lives, such as reducing household water usage, fixing leaks, and investing in water-saving technologies. Additionally, raising awareness about the importance of water conservation and promoting behavior change through education campaigns can foster a culture of sustainability within communities.

Addressing overuse of water is key to a sustainable future. By making some changes in our daily habits and implementing a combination of consumer-driven initiatives, we can work towards a more sustainable water future and ensure equitable access to this precious resource for all.Are you passionate about energy conservation and eager to learn more about how you can make a difference? Take the next step in your energy education journey today! Visit The Watt Watchers of Texas for engaging activities, and Smart Energy Education for career guidance and industry insights. Together, we can create a brighter, more sustainable future!

Only one hundred years ago, obtaining food required significant effort. People grew crops, raised livestock, or ventured out to catch fish, often relying on local ranchers and farmers for their meat and produce. In contrast, today, most people have no idea where their food is grown or raised. The food industry has changed dramatically since the Industrial Revolution. Incorporating machines in agriculture significantly increased the efficiency of food production processes. This, combined with scientific discoveries and new technology, catapulted the world's food systems into their unique, tumultuous state today. Refrigerators and freezers, for example, revolutionized how we store food and our relationship with it. As food preservation became easier, consumer behavior began to shift.

Now, with just a few taps on a phone or computer, it’s possible for someone to summon the meal of their choice to their doorstep within minutes. To make things even more convenient, disposable plastic cups, bags, and food packaging relieve you from the need to wash any dishes. Who doesn't love getting out of chores? The convenience is undeniable, as is the waste and pollution it generates. Food containers, ranging from styrofoam and cardboard to various types of plastics, have a significant impact on the environment. 

Styrofoam: Styrofoam, also known as expanded polystyrene, is infamous for its environmental impact due to its non-biodegradable nature. It can persist in landfills for hundreds of years, slowly breaking down into smaller pieces while releasing harmful chemicals. These chemicals can leach into the soil and groundwater, posing risks to ecosystems and human health. Despite its widespread use in packaging and insulation, Styrofoam's environmental footprint has led to increased efforts to find and adopt more sustainable alternatives.

Plastics: Plastics, particularly single-use varieties, are among the most significant environmental threats due to their extensive use and poor recyclability. Items like plastic bags, straws, and bottles are convenient but often end up in landfills or oceans, where decomposing takes centuries. The accumulation of plastic waste leads to pollution that harms wildlife and disrupts natural habitats. Efforts to reduce plastic use and improve recycling rates are crucial in mitigating the adverse environmental impacts of plastic waste.

Cardboard: Cardboard, though biodegradable, often becomes an environmental problem due to inefficient recycling practices. Many cardboard products end up in landfills, where they decompose and release methane, a potent greenhouse gas. This waste represents a significant loss of valuable resources, as cardboard can be recycled multiple times. Improving recycling systems and encouraging proper disposal is key to maximizing the environmental benefits of cardboard as a sustainable material.

Biodegradable Packaging: Biodegradable packaging made from plant-based materials offers a promising solution to the environmental issues posed by traditional packaging. These materials, derived from corn starch, sugarcane, and cellulose, can break down naturally without leaving harmful residues. Biodegradable packaging reduces the burden on landfills and lowers the risk of pollution, contributing to a more sustainable cycle of use and disposal.

Reusable Containers: Reusable containers like glass or stainless steel provide a sustainable alternative to single-use packaging. These materials are durable, easy to clean, and can be used repeatedly, reducing the overall consumption of disposable items. By adopting reusable containers, individuals and businesses can significantly reduce their environmental footprint, conserving resources and minimizing waste.

How often do we opt for pre-packaged convenience without considering the environmental consequences? By evaluating our purchasing decisions, we can make more sustainable choices. By embracing these alternatives, consumers can significantly reduce their ecological footprint. However, addressing the issue of food container waste requires more than just choosing the right materials. 

Consumers need to change their perspective on food. Prioritizing convenience over sustainability must become a thing of the past. We can lessen our environmental footprint by making conscious choices and embracing sustainable alternatives. Remember, every small change adds up, and collectively, we can work towards a greener, more sustainable future.

Discover how you can make a difference in conserving energy and protecting our environment by checking out the energy activities on the Watt Watchers of Texas website! Dive into interactive and educational activities designed to teach you practical ways to save energy at home, school, and in your community. Join the movement towards a more sustainable future and become a Watt Watcher today. Visit Watt Watchers of Texas and start your energy-saving journey now!

Grade Level: 7, 8
Theme: Food, Materials

Activity Overview: How often do you eat pre-packaged food? Some of the containers for pre-packaged food are made of plastic that cannot be recycled and only end up in a landfill. So what can you do to reduce your plastic waste?

Think about what you buy. Does the food you buy come in non-recyclable plastic? Ask yourself if you could get the same food without wasting plastic. For example, instead of buying individually wrapped frozen food, you could make a bulk meal and store it in reusable individual containers.Buy in bulk. Can the food you buy in pre-packaged containers be bought in bulk and stored in reusable containers?There are real, easy ways to reduce the waste that you generate on a daily basis. Plastic takes energy to create and to dispose of. When you are intentional about how to reduce your waste, it helps you to reduce energy as well. 

As a class or in small groups, make a list of foods that come in lots of packaging (outside box, inside bag, individual wrappers, lids and bases, etc.). Then brainstorm ways to reduce landfill-destined packaging either by switching the food itself or by changing the packaging. Encourage creativity with these ideas. Even if the idea is unfeasible or still requires packaging, thinking through packaging in the food sector is an important step in reducing overall energy consumption and waste.For example, one can purchase yogurt at the grocery store in a cup with a lid in a multipack of many tethered together in another box or wrapper. Alternatively, one can make a batch of yogurt at home or purchase a large store-bought container of yogurt. This can create multiple single-servings of yogurt in bowls at home or portioned into school lunches by dividing into smaller plastic or glass containers that can be washed and reused.

TEKS SCI.6.1B, SCI.7.1B, SCI.8.1B

Energy is a fundamental concept that drives our modern ways of life. Comprehending the difference between primary and secondary energy sources is, therefore, essential in assessing our energy systems' efficiency, sustainability, and environmental impact. These two categories represent distinct stages in the energy conversion process, each playing a critical role in shaping the outcomes of experiments and influencing everything from policy and industry to scientific discoveries. If you are an educator, follow the link to learn our tips and tricks for teaching about primary vs. secondary energy in the classroom before continuing. 

Primary Energy

Primary energy sources are the natural, unconverted forms of energy found in nature, otherwise known as unconverted or original fuels. They are typically the initial sources of energy that undergo extraction or harvesting before they can be used to generate electricity, perform mechanical work, or provide heat. For example, the fuels that can be mined, reaped, extracted, harvested, or harnessed directly. 

Primary energy in the form of fossil fuels includes coal, oil, and natural gas, which are the primary energy sources extracted from the Earth's crust. They are burned to release heat energy and generate electricity or power transportation.

Renewable resources include solar energy, wind power, hydropower, and biomass. These resources are harnessed directly from nature, are naturally replenished, and can be converted into electricity or used for heating without depleting the planet's natural resources or causing significant environmental damage. 

Finally, nuclear fuel, a zero-emission energy source, is powered by uranium and plutonium. These elements are mined from the Earth and used to create heat through a process called nuclear fission. Despite being a clean energy source due to its lack of carbon dioxide emissions, nuclear fuel can cause environmental damage through mining activities. 

Secondary Energy

Secondary energy sources, on the other hand, are forms of energy that result from the conversion of primary energy sources or resources that have been converted or stored. These sources are more readily usable for various applications and are the forms of energy we encounter daily. Secondary energy cannot be harnessed directly from nature; rather, secondary energy is energy that has already been converted. For example, electricity cannot be mined or harvested, though it is available in quick bursts on occasion from lightning. It is generated as a secondary form from primary fuels, like natural gas. Secondary energy includes: 

Electricity: Electricity is a secondary energy source that results from the conversion of primary energy sources such as coal, natural gas, or renewable resources. It is versatile and used for lighting, appliances, industrial processes, and transportation.

Heat: Heat is another secondary energy source produced from primary sources like fossil fuels or renewable resources. It is used for space heating, water heating, and industrial processes.

Mechanical Energy: Mechanical energy is generated by engines, motors, and turbines, often powered by electricity or direct mechanical power sources.

The choice between primary and secondary energy sources can profoundly impact the results of experiments and real-world applications. For instance, in a laboratory experiment studying the efficiency of electricity generation, using primary energy data (e.g., the energy content of coal) would provide insights into the inherent losses and efficiency of the conversion process. Conversely, relying on secondary energy data (e.g., the electricity generated from coal) would focus on the end-use application but may overlook the losses associated with energy conversion.

Understanding the difference between primary and secondary energy is vital in energy policy and environmental sustainability. For example, assessing the carbon emissions associated with a particular energy source requires consideration of primary energy sources (e.g., coal emissions) rather than just secondary energy forms (e.g., electricity use), as the latter can mask the environmental impact of the energy conversion process. Likewise, the environmental impact of zero-emission energy resources like tidal energy and nuclear power can often be overlooked. 

Because of this, the distinction between primary and secondary energy sources is critical for assessing scientific experiments, energy system analyses, and policymaking. Without having a clear understanding of primary vs. secondary energy, researchers, engineers, and policymakers would be left misinformed on important decisions regarding energy efficiency, environmental impact, and sustainable energy transitions. Likewise, as consumers, it's essential we learn about energy in order to make informed decisions in our personal lives as well as in our communities. 

After researching and discussing each of the different individual energy resources, use time to discuss the difference between primary and energy resources and then to classify each of the following resources into one of two categories. Do this activity in small groups or as a whole class on the board. Time: 20-30 minutes

Watt Watchers has everything you need to both learn about energy and to teach it in the classroom. Visit us on our website here for the best energy activities and don't forget to check out Resourcefulness for an expanded explanation of primary vs. secondary energy.

Emerging in 1970 amid an environmental movement fueled by mounting concerns over pollution, biodiversity loss, and the degradation of natural habitats, Earth Day has since become an annual global celebration held on April 22nd. Over the years, it has transformed into a powerful force for environmental action, galvanizing millions worldwide to champion environmental awareness and sustainable practices. Today, Earth Day serves as a resounding call to action for individuals, communities, and governments to prioritize environmental stewardship and collaborate towards a more sustainable future. But, above all, it serves as a poignant reminder of our collective responsibility to safeguard and nurture the planet we all call home.

In 2024, Earth Day's central theme, "Planet vs. Plastics," underscores the urgent imperative to combat plastic pollution and achieve a 60% reduction in plastics by 2040. This includes everything from addressing the detrimental impacts of single-use plastics to pushing for legislation to penalize the fast fashion industry for the damage it continues to inflict on our environment. With an eye towards forging a plastic-free legacy for future generations, Earth Day 2024 is dedicated to mobilizing action across various fronts. This includes raising public awareness about the adverse effects of plastic waste on human, animal, and environmental well-being, alongside advocating for a complete phase-out of all single-use plastics by 2030

What is plastic? 

In our modern world, plastic seems to be everywhere from our food deliveries and our water bottles to our accessories and shoes. But what exactly are plastics, and how do they impact the environment? 

Plastic is a synthetic material made from long chains of molecules derived primarily from fossil fuels known as polymers. It's a material that has become ubiquitous in modern society due to its versatility, durability, and low cost of production. Typical uses of plastic can include anything from packaging and consumer goods to construction materials and textiles. However, it's important to note that not all plastics are equal. There is a wide variety when it comes to plastic types, which are categorized based on both their chemical composition and properties. Some common types include polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). This means that while some plastics can be recycled, not all types are equally recyclable. In fact a large amount of plastics are unable to be or are not bothered to be recycled at all, leading to extreme environmental damage

Why are plastics harmful? 

Plastics became popular in part due to their amazing versatility and durability. After all, a material that can protect goods from the elements at a low cost can be a great asset. However it is this longevity that makes plastic problematic for the planet's health. If left to decompose in a landfill or body of water, plastics can persist in the environment for hundreds of years, contaminating ecosystems and harming wildlife. Lack of regulation and persistent overuse has resulted in millions of tons of plastic waste that today can be found in the planet's oceans, rivers, lakes, soil, and even in the air we breathe. This disrupts natural habitats, threatening biodiversity, and altering the balance of delicate ecosystems.

To complicate things further, plastics can also enter our bodies through various pathways, including ingestion, inhalation, and dermal absorption. Microplastics, tiny plastic particles less than 5 millimeters in size, have even been detected in food, water, and air samples, raising concerns about their potential health impacts. Exposure to plastics and their associated chemicals have additionally been linked to a range of health risks, including reproductive disorders, hormonal disruptions, and respiratory problems. Yet, the plastics alone aren't the only problem. Certain additives used in plastics, such as phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA), have been identified as potential endocrine disruptors with adverse effects on human health.

What can you do to help?

Various alternatives to traditional plastics have emerged to address the challenges posed by plastic pollution. These include biodegradable plastics made from renewable resources, such as plant-based polymers, as well as innovative materials in the form of compostable plastics and edible packaging. Additionally, initiatives promoting the use of reusable containers, eco-friendly packaging, and sustainable materials aim to reduce reliance on conventional plastics and promote a circular economy model. By embracing alternatives to plastics and adopting sustainable consumption practices, individuals and businesses can contribute to mitigating the impacts of plastic pollution and building a more sustainable future for our planet.

Given the omnipresence of plastics in our  modern lives, challenges are inevitable. Therefore, it is imperative to advocate for policies that penalize environmentally destructive industries who rely heavily on these types of materials. Furthermore, prioritizing investments in innovative technologies is crucial to facilitate the transition towards a plastic-free future. As a consumer the best thing you can do is avoid single use plastics whenever possible. Bringing reusable bags to the grocery store, purchasing a metal straw and making use of your favorite reusable water bottle are a great way to start. Are you interested in learning more about the energy sector, energy careers and the impact of our actions on the environment? Visit the Watt Watchers of Texas and Smart Energy Education today to learn more.

As Earth Week approaches, communities around the globe are gearing up to celebrate the planet and to take meaningful action toward its protection and preservation. From April 14th to April 22nd, Earth Day will be commemorated worldwide with events and initiatives that aim to raise awareness and inspire action on environmental issues. This year, Earth Day's primary theme will center around combating the impacts of plastic pollution, emphasizing the urgent need for collective efforts to address pressing environmental challenges that require people to understand many different energy-related topics.

Gaining a holistic understanding of the world's energy and water systems, their relationship with human activities, and their influence on the environment is essential. Because of this, Resourcefulness will be celebrating Earth Week by partnering with Power Over Energy to provide a free screening of the award-winning documentary "Thirst for Power," which will be available on-demand throughout Earth Week, from April 22nd to April 28th, on the Resourcefulness website

"Thirst for Power," based on the book by Dr. Michael E. Webber, and powered by Itron, Inc. was produced by Alpheus Media, in partnership with The University of Texas at Austin and Disco Learning Media. The film offers a compelling exploration of the intricate relationship between energy, water, and human survival. Through a holistic lens, the documentary sheds light on the interdependence of these resources, underscoring the gravity of the challenges we face and presenting a hopeful array of solutions for a sustainable future.

In addition to the screening of "Thirst for Power," Earth Week 2024 will feature a series of events and activities organized by EARTHDAY.ORG to engage individuals, governments, institutions, and businesses in collective action. These virtual and in-person events will span different time zones, offering opportunities for people from all walks of life to participate and contribute to the global effort towards a greener, more equitable future.

As we celebrate Earth Week 2024 and reflect on the importance of protecting our planet, let us heed the call to action against plastic waste. By joining forces, raising awareness, and implementing sustainable solutions, we can work towards a future where the beauty and abundance of our planet are preserved for generations to come.

The modern-day individual has grown accustomed to the seemingly limitless access to food facilitated by the convenience of grocery stores. This is true, at least for those who reside in suburban or urban neighborhoods characterized by higher income levels and greater purchasing power. From restaurants to specialty grocery stores, those who call these areas home have a variety of fresh produce, meats, and other food essentials at their fingertips year-round. However, amidst this abundance, there exists a stark contrast in surrounding communities, where access to fresh, healthy food is severely limited. These areas, known as food deserts, are a troubling reality for millions of people around the globe. So what characterizes a food desert, and how can those who find themselves in one can improve their situation? 

Food deserts are defined as areas where residents have limited access to affordable and nutritious food, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables and other whole foods. In these communities, grocery stores and supermarkets are scarce, and residents often rely on convenience stores or fast-food outlets for their meals. They can be found in both urban and rural areas. However, it's important to note that they disproportionately affect low-income neighborhoods and communities of color. This lack of access to healthy food options can lead to poor dietary choices, nutritional deficiencies, and a higher risk of diet-related health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

You may wonder why some communities are left out if there is so much food available in surrounding areas. The creation of food deserts is often the result of systemic factors such as economic inequality and urban sprawl. Historically, urban food deserts developed as cities grew and families began to move to the suburbs. In this shift, those moving to the city's outskirts brought with them the money and market needed to bring about the modern grocery stores we see today. Unfortunately, this left those without the means to head out of the city with limited options. 

Likewise, food deserts in rural areas have developed due to a variety of interconnected factors. Geographic isolation plays a significant role, as many rural communities are located far from major urban centers and food distribution hubs, making it challenging to transport fresh produce and groceries to these remote locations. Limited economic resources further exacerbate the problem, as rural areas often have lower average incomes and fewer job opportunities, resulting in decreased purchasing power and a reduced ability to attract grocery stores and supermarkets. Additionally, while these communities would typically grow and provide their own meats and produce, a declining interest in agricultural pursuits juxtaposed with dwindling population rates contributes to the issue. As younger residents often migrate to urban areas in search of better employment and educational opportunities, they leave behind shrinking communities with fewer resources. To make matters more complicated, infrastructure challenges, such as poor transportation networks and limited public transportation options, make it difficult for residents to access grocery stores and farmers' markets, further exacerbating food insecurity in rural areas. 

In the fight against food deserts and in the pursuit of food equity, it's vital to deploy a range of strategies across local, regional, and national levels. This entails launching initiatives to draw grocery stores and farmers' markets into underserved communities, enhancing access to public transportation, and offering financial incentives to encourage businesses to invest in these areas. Additionally, community gardens and urban farming projects emerge as pivotal solutions, significantly boosting access to fresh produce and empowering residents to reclaim control over their food supply.

Ultimately, addressing food deserts requires a holistic approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of food, energy, and daily habits. Sustainable food systems are essential not only for ensuring that everyone has access to nutritious food but also for reducing the environmental impact of food production and distribution. By working together to create more equitable food systems, we can ensure that food deserts do not become the norm for people around the globe. Through collective action and a commitment to change, we can build healthier, more resilient communities where everyone has access to the food they need to thrive. If you want to discover more fun energy, food, and water-related activities, visit The Watt Watchers of Texas today!

Time: 2 to 3 hours

Problem Statement:

Students should develop their own definition for the term food desert based on academic literature, contemporary discourse, and their own experiences. Encourage them to evaluate the article exploring food resources linked in the Resources section and other reputable sources. Students should also create a detailed map of food resources in their area, classified by type and annotated with accessibility and time constraints. Then, they should evaluate whether their neighborhood or district is a food desert. How does the students' map compare with the Food Access Research Atlas?

To Consider:

Types of food stores: convenience stores, delicatessens, farmer’s markets, supermarkets, fast-food restaurants, and other restaurantsAccessibility: private car, streets with sidewalks, public transportation (light rail, bus, metro/subway)Time: hours of operation, proximity to schools/work, connectivity with public transit.

Assessment Criteria:

Definition: Excellent student work will align closely with “Areas where low-income people have poor access to vegetables, fruits, and other whole foods.” There may be variation in student definitions based on nuances in urban/rural landscapes, access to different kids of foods, or other personal factors. If the definition is broader or more specific, students should provide ample evidence from citations or personal experience that demonstrate that they understand the concept and that they have applied the concept to a real-life use case.Map: Excellent maps will consider all of the different confirmed and possible food stores in a location, and students will research and present accurate information regarding accessibility and time constraints for these resources. Students should use an excerpt of a digital map (such as Google Maps) or a copy or traced image of a physical map from an atlas in order to present an accurate visualization of the concept.

In the intricate web of global dynamics, few forces wield as much influence on energy and water resources as population growth and economic expansion. The symbiotic relationship between these two factors is particularly significant because they create a complex tapestry of challenges and opportunities, reshaping landscapes and redefining priorities. Because of this, understanding the impacts that population and economic growth can have on everything from a region's natural resources to its energy production systems is paramount when navigating the path towards a future of sustainability and resilience.

Population Growth

At the heart of the energy-resource conundrum lies the inexorable march of population growth. With each passing day, the global population swells, placing unprecedented strains on finite resources. What happens as more individuals enter the fray? The demand for energy and water surges in tandem. This surge is not linear but exponential, fueled by a myriad of factors including urbanization, industrialization, and technological advancements.

Economic Growth

Parallel to the trajectory of population growth is economic expansion. As nations strive for prosperity, economic growth becomes the lodestar guiding their endeavors. However, this pursuit of affluence comes at a steep cost – one that is borne by energy and water resources. Economic prosperity, therefore, correlates directly with increased consumption patterns, wherein affluent populations exhibit a voracious appetite for energy and water-intensive lifestyles.

The Intersection of Climate Change and Policy

Amidst the backdrop of population and economic dynamics looms the specter of global climate change. The ramifications of climate change reverberate across ecosystems, amplifying the pressure on energy and water resources. Rising temperatures, erratic weather patterns, and dwindling freshwater reserves exacerbate the challenges of the energy-water nexus.

Compounding these challenges are policy choices that influence resource allocation and utilization. Policy makers are often faced with the daunting task of balancing competing interests, as they navigate the delicate balance between energy security, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. In some instances, policy decisions inadvertently exacerbate the strain on energy and water resources. For instance, policies advocating for more water-intensive energy production or more energy-intensive water treatment processes can further strain already limited resources.

Meeting the Challenge

Addressing the impacts of population and economic growth on energy resources necessitates a multifaceted approach. At the forefront of this approach lies the imperative to enhance efficiency and promote sustainable practices across sectors. Embracing renewable energy sources, implementing water-saving technologies, and fostering conservation efforts are pivotal in mitigating the strain on energy and water resources.

Additionally, fostering cross-sectoral collaboration and stakeholder engagement is essential in fostering resilience and adaptability. By fostering dialogue and partnership between government, industry, academia, and civil society, nations can chart a course towards a more sustainable and equitable future. The interplay between population growth, economic expansion, and energy resources underscores the need for holistic and proactive approaches to sustainability. By understanding the intricate dynamics at play and embracing innovation and collaboration, nations can navigate the nexus of population, economic growth, and energy resources with resilience and foresight.

Do you think you can model population growth? Check out the following Watt Watchers of Texas activity to find out? 

Activity Overview: 
The key underlying demographic trends that strain energy and water resources are population growth and economic growth. Other key trends are the impacts of global climate change and policy choices, whereby policy makers push for more water-intensive energy and more energy-intensive water.
As the population increases, more people demand more energy and water. However, because of economic growth, which happens in parallel, the demand for energy and water increases faster than the population.1 This phenomenon occurs because economically affluent populations tend to consume more energy and water per person than poorer populations.

Problem Statement:
Describe the nature of exponential growth in human populations. 

Project Deliverables:
Students should use technology to research global historical estimates and population records. They should then create a mathematical model based on the data. Many population curves exist online, but students should not copy and paste them for the purpose of this assignment. 
After creating their models, students should compare them with the widely accepted population curves to see how well they have modeled historical population trends. Historical data will not allow for the creation of predictions of the future, but many of the population curves will contain future predictions based on possible trajectories for population growth.


Exponential population growth can be represented using a simple J curve, but reality is more complex and limited, and could be represented using an S curve.

The United Nations Population Division produces official United Nations population estimates and projections. 

The United States Census Bureau has collated many different resources into a comprehensive historical estimate of world population. 

The attached table is composed of the summary values of Historical Estimates of World Population from the United States Census Bureau. The spreadsheet program automatically generated the scatterplot, which was then adapted to a logarithmic scale in order to better show the trend. Since 1900, there is a slight downturn in the rate of population growth. The exponential trendline superimposed over the scatterplot resembles the sigmoidal curve above. 
Population Growth GraphDownload

As we usher in the new year, there is a palpable sense of optimism in the realm of green energy, sustainability, and technology. Obstacles continue to emerge in many spheres of these sectors. Yet, despite the challenges faced by those who work in renewable energy and clean technology, there are encouraging signs of progress. The notable investments in clean energy alone, which increased by 40% since 2020, indicate a heightened awareness of our impact on the environment and a dedication to transitioning towards a more sustainable energy landscape.

Setbacks and Challenges 

The journey toward sustainability has been bumpy, to say the least, and professionals have unfortunately encountered countless complications along the way. Clean technologies, for example, have consistently faced external pushbacks, pressures, and supply chain issues. These obstacles have proven particularly damaging to the wind sector, which has had to tackle supply bottlenecks and a lack of diversification in the rare earths supply market, among other predicaments. 

Additionally, despite previous policy agreements aimed at mitigating rising greenhouse gas emissions, the global average surface temperature has already surpassed pre-industrial levels by approximately 1.2 °C, resulting in unusual heatwaves and extreme weather events. 

To complicate things further, these greenhouse gas emissions have yet to peak. This means they will continue to rise for the next couple of years instead of commencing their descent to less damaging quantities. Consequently, this contributes to the aggravation of the ongoing climate challenges we are experiencing today. 

As far as our health is concerned, the lack of advancement in clean energy practices has continued to result in arduous physiological consequences. Perhaps most concerning is the fact that the energy sector remains a primary contributor to air pollution, affecting over 90% of the world's population and causing more than 6 million premature deaths annually. Despite efforts to improve access to clean electricity, positive trends have slowed or reversed in some countries, underscoring the need for sustained and intensified global efforts.

Steps Forward 

While setbacks can be discouraging, it is important to keep in mind that they are a part of the process. Each year we continue to fight for clean energy is a year we get closer to achieving our sustainability goals.  Looking ahead, the path to a more sustainable future holds promising developments. For instance, solar power is projected to drive the increase in electricity generation, with the addition of 36 gigawatts (GW) and 43 GW of new solar capacity in 2024 and 2025. This surge is expected to elevate the solar share of total generation to 6% in 2024 and 7% in 2025, up from 4% in 2023. These positive trends, combined with the stabilization of natural gas in electricity generation, underscore a changing energy landscape that prioritizes renewable sources, providing a glimpse into a future that allows for increased sustainability and environmental awareness.

As you can see, there is much to celebrate and at the same time still much left to accomplish. As we embark on a new year filled with promise for the greener energy sector, individuals play a pivotal role in fostering a cleaner environment. Implementing sustainable habits in schools, homes, and businesses can contribute significantly to this collective effort. Simple steps, such as reducing energy consumption by turning off lights and appliances when not in use, embracing energy-efficient technologies, and practicing responsible waste management, can make a tangible impact. Cultivating green habits like recycling, reducing single-use plastics, and opting for eco-friendly products can further reduce the environmental footprint. 

Educating oneself and others about the importance of conservation and adopting green practices can create a ripple effect, fostering a culture of environmental responsibility. By making conscious choices in daily life, anyone can have the power to actively contribute to building a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future for generations to come.

At Smart Energy Education, we aim to educate our readers about the importance of clean energy and the amazing opportunities within the energy sector. If you are interested in learning more about energy and energy careers visit our website here. If you would like to access fun, educational activities for students to learn about energy and the world's natural resources, visit Watt Watchers of Texas!

The history of nuclear energy is one that intertwines scientific discovery, technological ingenuity, geopolitical dynamics, and the controversial quest for a powerful energy source. Nuclear materials are part of the earth's crust and have been for millions of years, yet the ability to safely harness nuclear energy for modern power generation is more recent than one might think. Beginning with early 20th-century breakthroughs in atom structure and continuing to present-day debates surrounding its implementation, nuclear energy has been a subject of the world's fascination for over a century.

The roots of nuclear energy can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries when pioneering physicists began unraveling the mysteries of atomic structure. By revealing that atoms could be split to release immense amounts of energy, the groundbreaking work of figures such as Marie Curie, Ernest Rutherford, and Niels Bohr helped lay the foundation for nuclear power. However, it wasn't until 1939 that nuclear fission, the process of splitting atoms to release energy, was experimentally demonstrated. 

The first controlled nuclear chain reaction occurred in Chicago during the wartime Manhattan Project 1942, a top-secret research and development endeavor that led to the creation of atomic weapons. Three years later, the first nuclear weapon was tested in New Mexico, and in 1948, atomic reactors were the first to generate electricity at a power plant in Idaho. While advancements in this time proved to bring significant technological breakthroughs, concerns surrounding the ethics of using atomic energy were also raised. Consequently, following the war, the focus shifted towards harnessing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. 

Problem Statement:Describe and illustrate the process of nuclear fission in the context of its role in energy production. Students should use the description above and their knowledge of subatomic particles and forces to construct an illustration of and description of the process of nuclear fission. Chapter 17: Nuclear Energy from Energy 101: Energy Technology & Policy contains a detailed description of the nuclear fission process within the energy industry's broader context. Consider assigning a reading and allowing students to synthesize the information from that chapter into their illustrations and descriptions.The BBC has produced a more straightforward explanation of the particulars of the process of nuclear fission and fusion. This site contains illustrations of the process, which can be used as an example against which to evaluate students' work. 

Assessment Criteria:Students should clearly articulate that nuclear fission is the process of using a high-energy neutron to split the nucleus of an atom into smaller atoms which releases more high-energy subatomic particles, which in turn repeat the process. Excellent work will recognize the introduction of a neutron to the atomic nucleus as the creation of an unstable isotope, which immediately breaks down, releasing energy and subatomic particles. Applying this knowledge to the energy industry, students should identify the preferred stable isotope, uranium-235, and the unstable isotope created uranium-236. Excellent work will contextualize the process of fission as occurring within the nuclear reactor core, where high-energy neutrons released from the initial reaction interact with other uranium-235 atoms in a chain reaction. The reactor core also contains the facilities to absorb the energy released from the reaction into steam generation for a traditional steam turbine.

Nuclear energy promised a way to meet the increasing demands for electricity without relying on fossil fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating environmental impacts.

Throughout the latter half of the 20th century, atomic energy experienced both periods of rapid expansion and periods of stagnation. In the 1950s and 1960s, the world witnessed the birth of the first commercial nuclear power plants, marking a new era for clean and abundant energy. 

The potential for nuclear energy to revolutionize the global energy landscape was met with enthusiasm, leading to the construction of nuclear power plants across the globe. However, catastrophic incidents such as the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 and the Fukushima disaster 2011 raised concerns about nuclear safety and led to public apprehension regarding its implementation.

However, despite the controversies, nuclear energy remains a crucial component of the energy mix in many countries, providing significant electricity generation and contributing to energy security. Developing advanced reactor designs, including thorium-based and small modular reactors, promises a safer and more sustainable nuclear future.

Currently, the most common fuel for nuclear reactors worldwide is uranium-235 (235U), an isotope of uranium. Other fuels, such as thorium, can also be used, but uranium has become the conventional source of most production for various historical, geopolitical, and technical reasons. The critical physical aspect of controlled fission is the chain reaction that begins when a neutron splits a uranium atom. Splitting the atom emits more neutrons, which then split other atoms. During fission, some mass is lost, converted into thermal energy, as described by E=mc2. That heat can be used to make steam to spin a turbine and generate electricity.

Problem Statement:
During the process of nuclear fission with the uranium-235 isotope, 0.1 percent of the uranium's mass is "lost."¹ We know based on the law of conservation of mass that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, so where did this mass go? Thanks to Einstein's special relativity and his famous formula, physics has an answer for the intrinsic relationship between mass and energy. The 0.1% of uranium is converted to energy according to the principles of E=mc2. In this second activity, reveal to students that physicists weighed all the daughter nuclei and free neutrons from the illustration they created in the first activity and reported that 0.1% of the initial mass was converted during the process of nuclear fission. Have them use Einstein's mass-energy equivalence to calculate how much energy was produced from the fission of 1 gram (g) of uranium-235. (This amount is arbitrary and should not be perceived as the actual amount of fuel used in controlled nuclear reactions.)0.1% of 1 g uranium is 0.001 g or 0.000001 kg or 1 x 10⁻⁶ kgJ = kg m² s⁻²E = energy measured in joules (J)
m = mass measured in kilograms (kg)
c = the speed of light in meters per second (3 x 108 m/s)
E = mc2
E = (1 x 10-6 kg) x (3 x 108 m/s)2
E = (1 x 10-6 kg) x 9 x 1016 m2/s2
E = 1 x 9 x 1010 kg;m2/s-2
E = 9 x 1010 J
Chapter 17: Energy Basics from Energy 101: Energy Technology & Policy provides an introduction to nuclear energy. The BBC Bitesize GCSE review pages provide a succinct explanation with illustrations of the process of fission and fusion. Chemistry Matters from Georgia Public Broadcasting features a lesson on nuclear fission and the different types of radiation. Although formally aligned with the Georgia Standards of Excellence, this material also addresses the TEKS listed on this page.

From climate change to depleting natural resources, the world faces unprecedented environmental challenges. In response to the crises that have surfaced from these events, careers in green energy, conservation, technology, and sustainability have emerged as essential forces in the fight for a better future. While this sector is undoubtedly transformative, it has an outstanding flaw that impedes its ability to thrive at its full capacity. 

In a decades-long struggle to mend a lack of diversity, women, in particular, continue to be underrepresented in pivotal roles when addressing these global challenges. The energy and technology sector has long been notorious for its gender imbalance, but change is on the horizon. With more women entering the field and thriving in various roles, they are making a significant impact on the industry's direction and the development of innovative solutions. Here are just a few pioneering women who are at the forefront of this movement.

Dr. Vandana Shiva

An environmental activist and physicist, Dr. Vandana Shiva is renowned for her unwavering advocacy of sustainable agriculture and preserving traditional farming practices. Through her work, she has succeeded in many impressive accomplishments, including multiple campaigns to raise awareness of the importance of conserving biodiversity and empowering local communities in the face of agricultural challenges.

Christiana Figueres

Christina Figueres, the former executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), is an essential character in the world of environmental stewardship due to her tireless efforts to drive nations toward a more sustainable future. At the forefront of her achievements stands the pivotal role she played in the Paris Agreement negotiations, which helped shape global climate policy for years to come. 

Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

A marine biologist, policy expert, and writer, Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson has dedicated her life to ocean conservation and climate solutions. These topics are some of the most important regarding sustainability, yet they are also often neglected in the modern political environment. Her work is significant because it highlights the role of the oceans in mitigating climate change, underscoring the importance of an interdisciplinary approach. 

Mariana Mazzucato

An accomplished economist and author, Mariana Mazzucato's work on mission-oriented innovation and public sector investments has been integral in advancing sustainability goals. Her visionary thinking emphasizes the potential of the public sector to lead the way in building a sustainable community.

Laura Nelson

Laura Nelson, serving as the Executive Director of Green Hydrogen Strategy at Southern California Gas Company, stands at the forefront of the clean energy revolution. Her dedication and expertise have not only fostered advancements in clean hydrogen production but have also played a pivotal role in establishing Southern California Gas Company as a leading force in sustainable energy. Her pioneering work in developing green hydrogen infrastructure has significantly accelerated the transition to cleaner energy sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting a greener planet.

The energy and sustainability sector is not just about careers; it's about making a difference in the world. Women are pivotal in pioneering the transition toward a more sustainable and greener future. By pursuing careers in this field, women can be part of a vital movement that addresses pressing environmental and social challenges. The accomplishments of these inspiring women pioneers highlight the significant role women can play in making our world better. 

It's time for more women to join the ranks and lead the way in energy and technology careers. At Smart Energy Education, we aim to encourage women to pursue careers in energy and sustainability and shed light on some remarkable women pioneers who are breaking barriers in this field. If you want to learn more about careers in the energy sector, scholarships, and more, visit Smart Energy Education today!

What is a Green School? 

A green school isn't just a place of learning; it's an opportunity to build the foundations of sustainability and environmental stewardship in a generation of learners willing to make a real difference. These educational institutions go above and beyond traditional academic goals, placing a significant emphasis on reducing the environmental impact of their activities by promoting environmentally conscious habits, health, and wellness. In aiming to inspire the next wave of eco-conscious citizens, a green school nurtures a harmonious relationship between the natural world and the education of its students. From energy-efficient classrooms to an eco-friendly curriculum, green schools strive to foster a deeper connection to nature and sustainable practices.

The Green Ribbon School Initiative

The roots of the Green Ribbon School initiative can be traced back to 2011 when the U.S. The Department of Education (DOE) launched the program with a mission to recognize and celebrate those schools that successfully demonstrated a commitment to sustainability, health, and environmental education. Drawing inspiration from the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification for buildings, the Green Ribbon Schools program aimed to create a standard of excellence for schools' environmental and educational efforts. Over the years, this program has evolved, encouraging schools to adopt comprehensive approaches to sustainability, including reducing environmental impact, improving health and wellness, and providing effective environmental education.

Becoming a Green Ribbon School

To become a Green Ribbon School, institutions must follow a comprehensive set of criteria provided by the U.S. Department of Education. These criteria encompass three "Pillars," intending to reduce environmental impact and costs as much as possible, improve the comfortability and health of the students and staff within the school, and provide effective environmental and sustainability education. Schools must work toward achieving these goals and report their progress to be considered for the prestigious recognition.

Becoming a Green Ribbon School is a substantial commitment, but rest assured that any efforts your school invests will pay off. By making a few changes to your institution's daily operations, you can grant your school an incredible opportunity to make a significant difference in its community through its students and personnel, exemplifying the principles of sustainability, health, and environmental stewardship in education. Ultimately, the Green Ribbon School initiative aims to encourage schools to become leaders in the transformation toward a more sustainable and eco-conscious future. It's never too late to start. If you want to take the first steps to become a more sustainable, eco-friendly school, visit Watt Watchers of Texas to get started! 

Watt Watchers of Texas is a Partner Program of Smart Energy Education.
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