Watt Watchers of Texas: Texas is Too Good To Waste™

Watt Watchers is proud to spotlight Conservation Station, a new educational initiative, sponsored by Itron,Inc., in partnership with Discovery Education. The purpose of Conservation Station is to help create a nationwide dialogue on the importance of current and future energy needs, resource utilization, and above all, promoting conservation. 

Designed for middle school students, this innovative, engaging, standards-aligned virtual field trip (VFT) encourages students to explore the relationship between water and energy through the lens of conservation. Discover how new technologies are empowering consumers, making cities smarter and moving us toward a more energy-efficient future.

The VFT is also designed around the Resourcefulness water and energy eCourse, based on the book “Thirst for Power” by professor Dr. Michael E. Webber from The University of Texas at Austin, and focuses on reducing energy and water waste. The VFT is also packed with site visits, tips from industry experts, and thought-provoking lessons.

The Conservation Station VFT also follows Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), so you can be sure the lessons align with your classroom curriculum. 

Virtual field trips are a great way to keep students engaged through interactive storytelling, they help broaden students’ understanding of complex topics, and they’re a useful tool for exploring locations from all over the world, all while allowing students to learn from the safety and comfort of the classroom, or their home. 

Get Started Today!

To learn more about the Conservation Station virtual field trip, visit https://www.learntoconserve.com/about/ today and join us in creating a more resourceful world. 

If you’re a K-12 educator looking for energy education resources for your classroom, or tips on how to save energy at your school, look no further - Watt Watchers of Texas is robust STEM program with over 130 lessons, activities, games, tips, videos, and more - and it’s all 100% free. 

Watt Watchers was founded in 1985. The original program focused primarily on the “Student Patrol Groups” walking up and down school hallways seeking out signs of energy waste throughout the building, such as lights left on or a leaky water fountain. Between 1985 and 2018, Watt Watchers student patrol groups have helped participating schools save thousands, to tens of thousands, to even hundreds of thousands of dollars in utility costs each year.

Today, the Watt Watchers program has expanded beyond the original student patrols and offers a modern look at how energy is embedded in our everyday lives. Designed to go deeper than just turning the lights off, students, teachers and families will now have the opportunity to learn about energy conservation and cost saving tips through modern, everyday categories, such as food, water, and transportation. 

Watt Watchers of Texas is a state-sponsored program, and it’s fully aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) science standards for grades K-12. A complete list of TEKS follows each lesson or activity, making it easy and convenient for educators to use. To get started, simply visit www.watt-watchers.com/activities.

Best of all, and thanks to a partnership with KLRN San Antonio PBS, the refreshed Watt Watchers program has teacher training workshops twice a year. Teachers who attend the KLRN workshops can receive professional development (PD) credit for their participation. 

Get Started Today!

If you’re an educator and you’re interested in attending a future training, check out our Resources page to watch a past session. Likewise, be sure to sign up for our Watts Happening newsletter so you can be alerted to future training workshops. If you’d like to schedule a training session for your school please contact us for more information. 

With the increasing focus on environmental education for students, it has become important for educators to expand their knowledge of the subject. Watt Watchers has designed a detailed session in alignment with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards to cater to these requirements.

The teacher training online session takes its guidance from the Texas Environmental Education Advisory Committee (TEEAC). It offers various fun activities related to caring for the planet, reducing waste, and smart energy education.

The teacher training courses program is open to educators of all ages. The session covers essential topics around sustainability courses through targeted exploration, engaging experiences, and high-quality content during its duration.

Whether you have recently entered the field as a teacher or need to hone your skills as a seasoned educator, ’s session around sustainability courses can help you sharpen your understanding of environmental education. With sessions available regularly, enrolling is as easy as a click of a button.

Our Online Education and Teacher Training Courses Covers Essential Education Around Sustainability Courses 

As a TEKS-aligned program, the teacher training courses and session covers essential professional development through Watt Watchers. This online education option ensures that you are receiving your education and training through a reliable TEEAC provider.

This online education and teacher training around sustainability courses focus on various key topics, where each of these online course subjects directly delivers essential information on taking care of the planet. In addition to general Earth science, this online education course covers data regarding different energy programs and the latest waste reduction measures. 

These education courses and training help you practice, retain knowledge, gain skills, and help you get started on a long and wonderful journey of programs and lectures around sustainability. As they get you started, you can then access more programs,

Caring for the Planet

In alignment to TEKS standards, this segment of the online education program delivers information on how to best care for the planet. This includes details and practices regarding the ethical consideration of Earth and its organisms. 

This topic also covers environmental education through a well-defined course material that includes information on various sustainability practices. All materials for the session are designed with timely research that is in line with the statewide curriculum.

When relevant activities are executed to utilize the information and experiences during active education, they optimally contribute to the educator’s skill set in the subject. This includes coverage of aspects including but not limited to scientific inquiry, exploration, and instruction.  

This branch of Watt Watcher’s sessions around sustainability courses also relates to the execution of sustainability practices and their relation to societal and environmental changes. This allows teachers to become more adept in assessing related topics in Earth science and environmental education. In turn, this enhances the capability of educators to teach these topics in alignment with the TEKS standards ideally.

By following this module, teachers could become more self-sufficient in the branch of environmental education. As a result, studying these points in a controlled capacity helps develop a better planet for the future. 

Reducing Waste

This section of the program focuses on the topic of reducing waste. It also aligns with the TEKS standards. Teachers are provided with targeted material designed to deliver the required knowledge engagingly in this branch of education around sustainability courses. 

By studying relevant curriculum and getting a close look at authentic processes, educators can learn the theory and execution of carefully reducing waste for better sustainability practices. With an engaging and fun set of activities focused on active exploration, teachers can also become aware of how to analyze different approaches in real-world settings. 

This provides a diverse view on the essential topic of reducing waste in a manner that is ethical to the planet and its organisms. This also covers the larger interaction of these activities with their connection to Earth science and societal decisions. 

Through this section of Watt Watcher’s education around sustainability courses, teachers obtain high-quality schooling and experience that helps them make their way through the discourse on waste management and reduction. 

In turn, educators who go through this program can offer engaging discussions, informed analysis, and factual information on reducing waste for the betterment of the planet. 

Free Online Smart Energy Education

This part of education around sustainability courses also aligns with TEKS standards. Through an engaging curriculum, teachers can learn about smart energy, its development, its benefits, and its utilization in the present and future use cases. 

The diverse set of factual research presented in relevant materials helps educators develop a firm grasp on smart energy and its relation to Earth science. Through authentic experiences designed to balance fun and educational activities, teachers can also learn the ideal use of relevant tools, equipment, and technologies in smart energy. 

This segment also emphasizes the practical knowledge of in-depth processes and their usage in real-world scenarios. The segment also covers the sustainability of smart energy and its overall impact on societal development. This allows teachers to understand the advantages and requirements of smart energy, enhancing their skill set for relaying this information in an educational environment. 

By following a streamlined set of educational subjects that all center around smart energy, this segment of Watt-Watcher’s education around sustainability courses prepares teachers for curious discussions, questions, and inquiries. 

This allows educators to confidently manage the topic in their ongoing classes, which also contributes to the quality of education that their students can benefit from consistently. 

Explore High-Qualitycontributingis Curriculum Around Sustainability Practices

At Watt Watchers, each of our sessions are designed to deliver high-quality education through a well-researched curriculum. By leveraging a detailed set of topics and activities curated for educators, our programs provide teachers with the level of comprehension they need to be confident in their subjects. 

Our sessions around sustainability practices follow the same approach every step of the way. As a result, you can reap the rewards of targeted research, authentic information, and engaging materials all at once. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us today to see how Watt Watcher’s related teacher training courses and the program can help. We will be glad to understand your requirements and direct you to the most relevant sessions right away. Our online courses are simple, straightforward, and accessible that helps almost anyone become teachers in sustainability, resources, strategies, and valuable initiatives to preserve Earth.

You can gain personal knowledge, understand strategies, techniques, and use your newfound knowledge to connect, learn tips, and build on your learning to educate people on technologies, techniques, and actions to promote sustainability. The idea is that more accumulated knowledge and awareness throughout various institutions will provide for a quick and wide range of related possibilities.

The best part is that you can learn and connect with these materials at your own pace, as we know that learners need to understand topics, techniques and explore as they have the time. You can choose from our menu of content and connect with the educational materials provided for an advanced understanding of the world around you.

Many people prepare to settle gigantic energy bills in the summer. It is normal to perceive the summer as the season where you will run your air conditioning equipment for the most extended hours, filling your freezers and fridges and endless washing cycles of your beach towels and bathing suits. All these activities will come with heavy energy demands and costs!

Even though the summer season makes exorbitant energy use a necessity, your financial position and "morals" may not allow you to take a spendthrift approach.

But do you want to repeat the same behaviors and patterns every summer season?

Now is the time to adopt a new energy-saving game plan and avoid the skyrocketing energy bills. Your house can be one of the coolest in your area this season at the least possible cost. But what do you need to make this a reality? You only need to do what other people will not be doing this summer, get the cleverest energy-saving tips.

Here's how to save energy in the summer to minimize your costs.

Start By Optimizing Your Thermostat Settings

It feels great every time you get your thermostat to the right level only minutes after attending a draining workout, experiencing a sweltering day, or generally spending a few hours outside in the summer. However, this joy sees its death when you set your eyes on your outrageous electricity bill.

You can reduce these financial pains by taking smart calculations when using your thermostat. A report by the Department of Energy indicates that you may save up to 10% of your annual energy costs by setting your thermostat at 78 degrees and keeping it within a stable range. Similarly, you will be saving up to 3% of your cooling costs for every degree you raise on your thermostat above the 72 degrees mark.

Remember to raise your thermostat to a comfortable level to optimize energy efficiency while balancing energy and money.

Your thermostat could give you a greater cost-saving opportunity by setting the temperature even higher any time you are away from home or turning it off just to ensure that no energy is used on air conditioning in an unoccupied house. Indeed, installing a programmable thermostat could save you the hassles associated with the physical presence and manual operations. They'll adjust your house temperatures automatically, even when you are miles away from home.

Reconnect with Nature to Save Money

Summers could be the best moments of the year to reconnect with Mother Nature. It would be best if you took advantage of the pleasant weather conditions in your area to enjoy longer hours outside your home. Reconnecting with the natural environment means spending fewer hours inside your house. This translates to enormous energy savings as you will give your AC, computers, and television sets a small break.

Here are the activities you can engage in this summer if you want to use the least amounts of energy:

Critically, these activities are not only meant to help you cut down on your energy bills but also present a great moment for you to bond with your family members. What is better than that? You get to save money while minimizing your energy bill and spending quality time with your family! It is always fascinating to take advantage of energy-saving tips that help you in more ways than one.

Check Your Air Conditioner

Your air conditioner needs to undergo regular maintenance practices if you want it to give you the best service at the least cost possible in its several years of operation. You may end up with excessive bills knocking at your door if you hesitate to embrace timely checks.

Any electrical expert will tell you that neglecting your appliances causes poor performance and overall unnecessary energy usage. Take a few minutes out of your busy schedule to check your air conditioner's components, coils, heat pumps, and coolers to ensure that they are working as noted.

You may also try upgrading your air conditioners and other appliances that may consume a lot of energy this summer. This may indeed cost you a fortune in the present. However, you may need to stretch your sights beyond the enormous one-time cost of purchasing the appliances and audit the savings you will make cumulatively with efficient gadgets over the long run. Spending a few bucks on energy-efficient systems could be the wisest decision you make this spring.

Remember to maintain your air conditioner, upgrade your air conditioning system, and optimize energy-efficient components in each aspect of your home to lower your energy costs and stay cool.

Lower Your Oven Use to Lower Your Energy Bill

You know that your oven is one of the heaviest energy consumers in your house. What about adopting local arrangements and principles that will make it necessary to use the range only when necessary? This could be a hard decision to make as you may be using the oven for various reasons. However, you must remember that the more you put the stove to use, the more your AC works.

Take a little moment to decide how you can replace your oven's function with other gadgets that could offer similar services more feasibly.

A Few Energy Efficient Appliances to Think About

These energy-efficient appliances could be everything you will need to replace your oven in the summer.

Instant pot- Your instant pot could be a perfect replacement for your oven this summer any time you need slow-braised stew and meat. These meals may take you hours to bake when using the range.

The microwave- This is an ultimate energy saver. You won’t need your oven to heat your cooked food if you have a microwave. It will warm your food to the required temperature without creating volumes of hot air in the process.

The air fryer- Your air fryer could act as a traditional mini oven. It will work miracles any time you crave a bite of crispy food in the summer. The hot air that circulates inside the air fryer will be all that you will require to get your food cooked either rapidly or evenly.

Your toaster oven- In essence, your toaster oven could play the role of a mini oven. However, its energy consumption rates are a bit minimal compared to your range. Its size could come in handy as it will limit heat emissions.

These are a few energy-saving tips that seem like they are marginal but can add up and make a significant difference in your life.

Energy Saving Tips

Here are at Watt Watchers, we understand that cool air is lovely in the summer and that cold water can feel phenomenal during hot days in the summer months. That is why we look at minor changes in behavior patterns and consumption that promote ways to save money while mitigating power utilization.

Learn more about Watt Watchers and improving efficiency within your home and world; feel free to browse around for more information to keep your home cold while minimizing electricity consumption.

Whether it is about improving your window system, cooling and heating system, or modifying ways you do your laundry cooking, we're pleased to share as comprehensive as possible. Find out how we at Watt Watchers help you save on your energy costs with simple changes.

If you live in an area where food is readily available, it’s possible to forget that not everyone has quick and easy access to food. 

Across America, not everyone has access to fresh foods, and thus they live in what’s known as a food desert - an area with limited access to quality, affordable food. 

Our friends at Sustainable America have created a toolkit to serve as a starter guide for fostering a more robust local food system in communities all across the country. 

Industrial Food Systems 

First, let’s define what exactly a food system is before we discuss the differences between industrial and local food systems. 

A food system describes the network of parts required to grow, process, transport, store, sell, and consume food. The various types of food we consume daily go through quite a long journey from farmers to the tables of individual families. 

Industrial food systems are the large mechanisms used to do all of the food system activities as a way to bring food to as many people as possible. 

These more extensive systems enable us to have almost any kind of food we desire whenever we want it, and the production of food is ramped up, which brings cheaper food to more significant numbers of people. 

However, there are tradeoffs with using industrial food systems. These include:

Rather than rely on industrial food systems to bring food to our local communities, residents of those communities can focus on local food systems to get them the nutrition they need.

Support Local Food Systems

Smaller local food systems can do everything that industrial food systems can do. It is just done on a much smaller scale. 

There are many benefits of the small scale in terms of sustainability because it requires fewer systems and less planning to get fresh food to the residents of local communities. 

Food produced and sold within a local food system is usually fresher and healthier because it is sold at its peak ripeness. Additionally, it requires fewer to no preservatives or chemicals because transportation concerns do not exist. 

Local communities can also have access to specialty foods and varieties that may not be accessible on a larger scale. 

Local food systems are quite beneficial for the local economy because they support local businesses and workers rather than giant corporations that do not contribute to a local economy. 

The local food system provides a great sense of community, opens opportunities to access, and can provide flexibility and reliability during a crisis. Although the food may be a bit more expensive, you can be rest assured that you are supporting the local community.

Join the Initiative to Build a Better Local Food System

If you are interested in spreading awareness of investing in local food systems, please download Sustainable America’s food system toolkit

We have teamed up with Sustainable America because they share the same dedication to helping those interested in being a part of building a better local food system and a sustainable food and fuel future. Watt Watchers and Sustainable America want to help you support your local food systems and provide your community access to fresh, healthy foods that benefit your economy as well! 

What is one element that is non-negotiable in life? Here's another clue, the component provides sustenance for the earth in a variety of ways. If you guessed water, you guessed right. This is one element that freely flows from sinks, showerheads, and bottles for our use. It is seemingly abundant in our modern lives. 

But the truth is that water flow, access to water, and general distribution of water varies across the world due to different aspects. It can also vary depending on your region and advanced or elementary level of infrastructure.

Life would be drastically different if water didn't flow as seamlessly as it does at the present moment. We do not think about the basic infrastructure that helps make our modern lives more comfortable and seamless. We may even take it for granted; that is why we celebrate World Water Day.

World Water Day is an entire day focused on water, how we interact with water, and how we can modify behaviors and practices to preserve our relationship with water in the present and for generations to come. You can learn more about the history of water and how water has played such a significant role in our lives by watching this video by Power Trip!

Why Celebrate World Water Day?

Who doesn't like water? Everyone appreciates clean and potable water. That's the primary reason to celebrate World Water Day. 

The second reason to celebrate it is that water awareness helps people understand the world's overall water situation. Remember, as noted above, water may seem like an abundant resource, but it is not. 

World Water Day draws attention to the global water crisis and how sustainability efforts are crucial. It also brings attention to the need to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030.

The event, which takes place annually on March 22, will revolve around the idea of valuing water in our lives and its role in sustainable and healthy living. Remember that water usage is not only about looking at the price you pay on your water bills or at the grocery store when you purchase water bottles; rather, it is more about understanding its application in your everyday life.

While Earth is covered in water, not all of it is potable water. World Water Day emphasizes the importance of freshwater or drinkable water. At the present moment, at least 2.1 billion people do not have basic access to safe freshwater - an astounding number of people without basic access to freshwater in the modern era.

The Origins of the Event

World Water Day came about in 1992, the year that the UN conference on the environment and general sustainable development took place in Brazil. The representatives decided that they would start to dedicate March 22 of each new year to celebrate the World Day for Water. This day’s observation fosters and encourages the awareness of water, sanitation, and ways to reduce poverty while increasing economic activity and overall sustainability.

Even emerging markets like India and others have problems that pertain to water. For instance, India’s ministry for water resources noted that the average water availability per individual in India dropped by 300 cubic meters and could fall further over the next decade. But that is just one country. It is also present in other nations ranging from Ethiopia to other nations around the world. As such, it is no surprise that it is a global initiative. 

The Value of Water

Water is vital in our economy. The element integrates into various parts of our lives and is intertwined with all lives on the planet and even astronauts who live outside of our planet. 

The value of water is hard to grasp as it flows through every part of our day, from the food we eat to the electricity we consume to the clothes that we wear. It affects animal’s migratory patterns, general ecosystems, and is what makes the Earth so unique.

If we discount water today, we may not have it tomorrow. That is the central theme present in various parts of the world as the water dries up due to natural causes, general mismanagement, and other factors.

This resource is arguably the most precious as it lays a foundation for all kinds of life, from mankind to animals. Clean water and sanitation may seem like a simple goal in theory, but it is up to us to be more focused on conservation for the generations ahead of us! It will require more intensive thinking, modernization of infrastructure, global coordination, multidimensional approaches, and attention to preserve and safeguard water for present and future generations.

What Can You Do?

The average water consumer can conserve water by observing behaviors and instituting a few changes in their lives. For instance, did you know that water and electricity are intertwined? If you save electricity and power, you, in essence, conserve water utilization as well. Further, practice simple modifications such as using energy-efficient appliances, taking simple showers, and ensuring to use water as necessary when brushing teeth and minimizing leaks within the home. That can help to reduce water consumption overall.

Celebrate World Water Day with Watt Watchers

Here at Watt Watchers, we aim to foster initiatives and implement campaigns to increase awareness among key conservation issues. These are the things that drive our organization to provide resources and deploy tools to help others take action to help generate more awareness about these issues within our various communities!

We are pleased to celebrate World Water Day with our global community and our local communities as well.

If you have any questions or concerns surrounding our campaigns, how we can help, and how we make a difference in the world today, reach out today!

Wouldn't it be great to have a day where you could celebrate the agricultural industry? Well, there is such an occasion. It is called Ag Day or National Ag Day and it’s celebrated March 24th!

We live in a fast-paced world, and we often find ourselves running from work to home or to other day-to-day activities and we can forget to think about simple elements like the food we eat! Everything from delicious steaks, avocado toast, lemon drizzle cake, or that chicken and chorizo recipe that we appreciate at our favorite restaurant.

These mouth-watering food items originate, and finally get to our tables because of the hard work and process of many people and organizations within the American agriculture industry.

Here is what you should know about Ag Day and the essentials of the American agriculture industry.

What is Ag Day?

Ag Day is a fantastic day that appreciates the importance of agriculture and the value it provides to society in the modern era. It is a day that helps individuals take a moment and pay attention to the agriculture industry that provides the ingredients to restaurants, grocery stores, meal service providers, and homes so individuals can enjoy their delicious meals.

The agricultural industry is a vital domain to everyday life as it has compounded knowledge on various farming practices that add value to general society. This compounded knowledge which includes continuously improving farming practices, more effective ways of growing plants, and conserving energy, all results in society’s ability to feed people.

The pioneers of Ag Day present this concept so that individuals worldwide, especially those in the United States, can appreciate the agriculture industry's beneficial goods and services. 

Ag Day brings together a host of entities that range from corporations, universities, agricultural organizations, nonprofit agencies, and even governmental organizations to recognize the importance of agriculture to our lives.

The initiative promotes agriculture and enables more Americans to learn more about the industry's various intricate aspects. They can learn about food processing, creation, modern agriculture methods, farming, horticulture, and other adjacent industries.

In essence, National Ag Day provides you with awareness, helps you find out how you can get involved, and shows you the vital roles of agriculture in a thriving society. Further, you can learn how this industry boosts the economy and enables an effective and streamlined way of living for millions of people in the United States.

The Importance of Agriculture in Our Daily Life

The agriculture industry is responsible for the food we eat and other aspects of our lives as well. For instance, in addition to the delicious and healthy foods that we eat, they provide the materials for our apparel, hygiene items, general cleaning tools, fuel components, and even the books we read. The agricultural sector touches our lives in more ways than one.

Here is a simple breakdown of the different segments agriculture covers in our daily lives.

Food: Many of the food products that we consume originate in classic and modern farms worldwide. You can happily and joyfully eat a few of these foods after washing them; no cooking is necessary! Of course, a few of these items include tomatoes, apples, oranges, kiwis, blueberries, bananas, and other nutritious and healthy snacks like nuts. Other items require processing to turn into an item that we can use for streamlined consumption. 

For instance, we can notice that the bread we eat comes from wheat that goes through several steps. At the same time, farms also house a wide variety of animals from cows to goats and chickens that provide us with a host of food items ranging from milk to eggs and butter.

Farm: The farm is where a large portion of the action takes place. A great deal of work occurs at the farm as it has a great portion of equipment and infrastructure set to conduct many initiatives. The farm is crucial in many ways, from raising animals to production to minor processing to other aspects before moving it to the next part of the process. 

Forestry: Did you know that the agriculture industry is also involved in forestry? They can grow acres of trees and other plants critical for a wide variety of species. The forestry component helps the lumber industry survive and thrive, which leads to value in the housing sector.

Flowers: Do you give flowers to the special people in your life? Do you like growing them yourself and taking care of them? How about how beautiful they make your home? Because the agricultural industry has specific niches such as flowers, this is all made possible.

Fabric: Remember that agriculture is responsible for fabric that is present in everyday life. From the clothes you wear to the carpets you walk on to other life components, material plays a significant role in preserving the quality of life. 

Now, you know that farmers play a key role in your everyday life and understand National Ag Day's importance!

Celebrate Ag Day With Watt Watchers!

What is Watt Watchers? Watt Watchers is an organization that fosters conversations around energy conservation, sustainability, and energy efficiency. 

We are an organization that recognizes the various components of the world that contribute to sustainability and appreciate, highlight, and celebrate events and initiatives that foster further education and awareness in these aspects.

We’ve prepared a variety of activities you can use to celebrate Ag Day with Watt Watchers! Take a look at the 5,000 Mile Salad by Power Trip and learn more about agriculture while celebrating Ag Day! 

Our team is also present to answer any questions you may have about the organization, activities, or any other inquiries.

The planet, our home, and even our schools can benefit from energy conservation efforts. The money your school saves on utility bills can then be used for other resources and investments to benefit your classrooms and your students’ education.

At Watt Watchers of Texas, our energy conservation specialists are dedicated to helping schools in Texas join the energy-saving effort. We are also committed to helping teachers prepare to teach energy conservation literacy at any grade level. That is why we have developed various resources to assist teachers, administrators, and parents in teaching and reinforcing the energy conservation lessons they have been working on with their students.

How Watt Watchers Helps

Conserving our planet’s resources is a group effort, and everyone can participate, even kids. To assist with the task, Watt Watchers has developed resources for teachers to add into their energy conservation curriculum.

We have also designed a program just for kids to join in the effort and have fun at the same time. It’s called the Student Patrol Program.


The Watt Watchers activities and lessons you can use to supplement your energy conservation curriculum are divided into six themes. These themes are:

Many of these activities are appropriate for a single day’s class time or take-home learning while others may span several class periods. They can also be used individually or in conjunction with one another for a more well-rounded learning experience. It is entirely up to you how you incorporate them into your Texas classroom, and we at Watt Watchers are excited to see how you can adapt them for the benefit of your students.

All of our lessons and activities are aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) science curriculum standards from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Following each task or activity, we have included a list of the TEKS standards that the training meets to be more easily used as part of your science curriculum.

Student Patrol Program

As a fun and innovative way to get kids involved in and excited about energy conservation, we have developed the Student Patrol Program, the heart of Watt Watchers of Texas. Your students will become official Watt Watchers and will join Lil’ Tex and Ann in their effort to save Texas from the fiendish Wasters Gang. Before you begin your school’s participation in the Student Patrol Program, be sure to meet with your school administrators so they are aware of how the program works, what the kids will be doing, and how it will benefit both the students and your school.

To get your school off on the right foot, we have provided all of the Patrol program materials you can need; you just have to print them out and share them. We even have an 8-page downloadable comic called “Texas is Too Good to Waste” that you can share with your class to help them understand what they are participating in and why. You will select students to be Watt Watchers and then begin your patrols. Once the students see that they have some control over the school’s energy usage and how it can affect those around them, they will feel empowered and excited to go on their next patrol.

Fun Ways to Save Energy

Divided among the themes are dozens of activities and lessons for you to use in your classrooms. We have explained the various tasks and easy DIY experiments for you to do with your students. From Kindergarten through 12th grade, there is something for every grade level in each of the themes. Students will be learning about saving energy and having a great time doing so. Some of the older students may even find a potential career path thanks to some of the activities that focus on energy conservation and industry jobs.

Whether you allow your students to go on patrols throughout the school or teach them the importance of “ugly produce,” energy conservation is all about education and the demonstration of benefits. Kids will love having the power to turn off lights in unused classrooms or giving out awards to other classes for a job well done. Older students will get to see the effects of energy conservation in the real world and may even feel inspired to continue to make a difference in college and their future careers.

Energy Education in Texas

Are you an educator in Texas and looking for ways to spread awareness at your school about saving energy? In that case, Watt Watchers of Texas has the resources, activities, lessons, and more to help you get your students interested in saving energy at school. We are a state-sponsored STEM program designed to help boost kids’ energy literacy from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Watt Watchers is dedicated to assisting Texas schools in saving money and conserving energy - a win-win for the school and the environment.

We know that it is never too early to start learning about the benefits of energy conservation. That is why we have developed lesson plans and activities that can be used to supplement an entire energy conservation and efficiency curriculum and have them available for free for teachers, administrators and parents. Check out all of our resources, and let us help you bring energy conservation awareness to your Texas school. And don’t forget to encourage your students to join Lil’ Tex and Ann to save Texas from the Wasters Gang’s sinister plans. Texas is too good to waste!

At Watt Watchers of Texas, we believe that Texas - and the rest of the world - is too good to waste, so we have dedicated ourselves to educating adults and children everywhere in the best ways to save energy and conserve our natural resources.

The Watt Watchers team knows that if you’re a teacher or parent explaining to kids how energy conservation works and why it is important can be challenging, so we have developed an energy conservation curriculum with activity supplements that can be used in the classroom or in the home. All of our resources are free to teachers, administrators, and parents to use and combine as needed to increase energy-saving awareness.

Fun Ways to Save Energy

No matter the age or grade level of a child, it is never too early to start learning about the benefits of energy conservation. Because saving energy is important and can be done both at home and in school, the Watt Watchers team has developed fun activities to show kids of all ages how they can help make a difference. These activities can be used to supplement the energy efficiency curriculum, which is also available for all teachers and parents, or you can simply enjoy an energy conservation activity on its own.

We have divided the activities into six themes, which span the grade levels from Kindergarten through high school. Many of them are cross-curricular and cross-topic so that your kids can learn how energy conservation can be done in a multitude of environments and scenarios. Our energy conservation activity themes include cooling and heating, electricity, food, water, materials and recycling, and transportation. We also have a section for activities that can specifically be done at home to continue the lessons after the school day has ended.

The fun and interactive activities we have developed show kids how to save energy and teach them about the ways energy works. For example, the food activities have a vast range for kids of all ages. A child in Kindergarten would have a great time completing a solar oven S’mores project with their families. While they make the solar oven with their parents and enjoy a nice snack, they can also learn how the sun provides energy.

On the other hand, older elementary school students can still enjoy the S’more activity too. Yet, they may also be more interested in talking about the produce they see at the grocery store and what it means to buy “ugly produce.” And finally, high school students who are considering their future careers and going to college may be excited to learn more about a career in chemistry and how they may affect the food shortage issue in food deserts of the country. It may also interest them to discover the connection between calories from food and energy expended from the body.

With all of the various activities listed throughout our website, there is truly something for every grade level. Ways to participate in energy conservation are numerous. Watt Watchers wants to show kids, parents, and teachers that participation can begin at any age or grade level.

Ways to Spread Energy Efficiency Awareness

One of the best ways to spread energy efficiency awareness is by participating in activities that conserve energy daily. While you are at home or school, take a moment to realize when you have done something that saves energy and tell your kids or students what that activity was. Even something as small as turning off a light when leaving a room saves energy that can be used elsewhere. The more you set an example for your children, the more likely it is that they will start to participate as well.

Spreading energy efficiency awareness can also be done through the digital world. Whether it is on social media or through neighborhood watch apps, or anything in between, sharing energy conservation with your friends, family, and neighbors is a great way to spread awareness and keep them informed.

Parents can also spread awareness with their kids by participating in the energy saving activities with their kids. When the kids learn something about energy conservation, be sure to put into action the lessons they have learned in school while at home. Turning off the lights or using reusable water bottles are activities that are easy to participate in.

Energy Education in Texas

At Watt Watchers of Texas, we are a state-sponsored STEM program designed to boost students’ energy literacy in Kindergarten through the end of high school through activities and an energy efficiency curriculum. We want to help schools and homes save energy and save money by spreading energy conservation awareness. Our team has developed various free resources, activities, and lesson plans to show kids that it is never too early to participate.

We also have a program called the Student Energy Patrol to further interest kids in energy conservation. They get to join Lil’ Tex and Ann as official Watt Watchers in their quest to protect Texas against the Wasters Gang, and kids can take charge at home and in school with energy-saving activities. To learn more about conserving energy in Texas and how you and your kids can participate, contact Watt Watchers of Texas today! All of our resources are always free.

While health and safety are the priority during the ongoing pandemic, it is still essential to continue your energy conservation efforts at school and home. Reducing the energy consumed will lead to lower utility bills, so more of your budget can support schools during this difficult time. Check out the list below with some helpful tips and suggestions on how to get started. 

Saving Energy during COVID-19 

During the Covid-19 pandemic, some schools have switched to online learning for their students, but some school staff - such as teachers - are working from school buildings to teach virtually from their classrooms.

Turning off lights, unplugging electronics, and adjusting the school’s temperature since there are far fewer people occupying the space, and other small changes can drastically reduce energy usage and utility bills.

What Can You Do to Help Save Energy at School? 

There are many ways that you and your students can save energy and save money on your utility bills at your school. Here are some easy methods to conserve energy:

Check out all of the resources that Watt Watchers provides for more information.

Help Fight against the Wasters Gang

At Watt Watchers of Texas, we are dedicated to providing access to resources, lessons, and activities to schools and homes all across Texas (and the country) to spread the word about the many benefits of energy conservation. 

We are a state-sponsored STEM program designed to boost energy literacy for grades K-12 and help schools save money on their utility bills. We have dozens of activities and resources available for all age groups, and these are accessible to teachers, administrators, and parents for free!

We have also developed a Student Patrol Program where students will join Lil’ Tex and Ann in their efforts to stop the Wasters Gang. Our goal is to keep Texas as beautiful as ever, and part of that is the energy conservation effort. Contact Watt Watchers to learn more about our programs or check out all of our activities and resources.

Starting in 2002, Texas citizens were able to choose among various energy providers for their electricity needs. Several companies have entered the electricity market, which gives customers a competitive advantage.

Customers can choose which of the electricity providers best suits their needs based on their electricity usage, term lengths, costs, and many other factors. 

The goal of opening up the energy utility market is to ensure that Texans have the power to choose.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Energy Provider

Although choosing which energy provider is best for your home can feel overwhelming, it is manageable and your decision can save you money.

There are many factors to consider and lots of different providers to research, so it is a good idea to analyze your home's needs first so that you have a way to refine your search for the right electricity provider.

The following is a list of some of the most important factors to consider while choosing which electricity provider is the best option for your home:

If they do lower, you will likely miss out on a cheaper electric bill. Variable-rate plans determine the price you pay based on the fluctuations in the market price of energy. Some months may be higher or lower depending on weather, demand, fuel prices, distribution system, and the market.

Many factors should be considered when choosing the energy provider that is best for you. These are some of the most important, but you should always decide whether an energy provider meets your individual needs.

The options can feel overwhelming, but with careful planning and research, it is possible to find the best plan for you. 

Also known as clean technology, green technology, and GreenTech, CleanTech is a set of technologies designed to reduce the use of non-renewable resources or optimize the incorporation of renewable natural resources. The goal is to positively impact the environment with clean technology solutions that are economically viable and may be potentially profitable. 

Technologies that use wind or wave power or those which improve conventional energy production processes (like smart electric grids) are all examples of cleantech. Using sustainable energy is critical to reducing dependence on carbon fuels, and companies that have decided to invest in cleantech use renewable resources such as wind power, hydroelectric power, solar energy, and geothermal energy.

Teaching Kids about CleanTech 

When it comes to teaching kids about cleantech, there are many different topics to discuss and lessons to use which will keep them interested and spur on their enthusiasm for learning about the planet and its resources. Learning about the benefits of recycling at home or how turning off a light in a room no longer in use will demonstrate how their small efforts, in combination with the efforts of people around the world, can contribute to a huge impact. 

Watt Watchers of Texas has invested in helping to teach children about the benefits of energy conservation because we believe that it is never too early to start learning about saving energy. We know that children are the future clean technology engineers of the world, so it is integral that they start learning what cleantech is, how it contributes to energy conservation, and why everyone should care about it. With our lessons, activities, and resources, your students and children will be off to a great start in the energy conservation effort.

Renewable Energy/CleanTech Activities from Watt Watchers

At Watt Watchers of Texas, we are dedicated to bringing energy conservation education and resources to teachers, school administrators, and parents throughout Texas. We believe that kids of all ages would greatly benefit from lessons and activities about saving energy and money for schools and homes. Watt Watchers is a state-sponsored STEM program designed to boost energy literacy for students in grades K-12. Teachers and parents have access to energy-saving tips, activities, and lessons for free so that they can demonstrate the importance of energy conservation to their students without the stress of developing a new curriculum.

While Cleantech generally refers to companies who have invested in sustained energy sources, there is no reason to think that individuals (yes, kids too) can’t also contribute to the effort to have a positive impact on the climate. Through our cleantech activities and resources, your students and children will better understand how their energy-saving efforts can help to contribute to the betterment of the environment. Contact Watt Watchers to find out more about all of our energy education activities.

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