Watt Watchers of Texas: Texas is Too Good To Waste™

Energy Education Games for Students

Energy Education Games

At Watt Watchers of Texas, we believe that Texas - and the rest of the world - is too good to waste, so we have dedicated ourselves to educating adults and children everywhere in the best ways to save energy and conserve our natural resources. 

The Watt Watchers team knows that if you’re a teacher or parent explaining to kids how energy conservation works and why it is important can be challenging, so we have developed an energy conservation curriculum with activity supplements that can be used in the classroom or in the home. All of our resources are free to teachers, administrators, and parents to use and combine as needed to spread energy-saving awareness.

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Fun Ways to Save Energy

No matter the age or grade level of a child, it is never too early to start learning about the benefits of energy conservation. Because saving energy is important and can be done both at home and in school, the Watt Watchers team has developed fun activities to show kids of all ages how they can help make a difference. These activities can be used to supplement the energy efficiency curriculum, which is also available for all teachers and parents, or you can simply enjoy an energy conservation activity on its own.

We have divided the activities into six themes, which span the grade levels from Kindergarten through high school. Many of them are cross-curricular and cross-topic so that your kids can learn how energy conservation can be done in a multitude of environments and scenarios. Our energy conservation activity themes include cooling and heating, electricity, food, water, materials and recycling, and transportation. We also have a section for activities that can specifically be done at home to continue the lessons after the school day has ended.

The fun and interactive activities we have developed show kids how to save energy and teach them about the ways energy works. For example, the food activities have a vast range for kids of all ages. A child in Kindergarten would have a great time completing a solar oven S’mores project with their parents. What kid doesn’t love chocolate? While they make the solar oven with their parents and enjoy a nice snack, they can also learn how the sun provides energy. 

On the other hand, older elementary school students would still enjoy the S’more activity (again, what kid doesn’t love chocolate?). Yet, they may also be more interested in talking about the produce they see at the grocery store and what it means to buy “ugly produce.” And finally, high school students who are considering their future careers and going to college may be excited to learn more about a career in chemistry and how they may affect the food shortage issue in food deserts of the country. It may also interest them to discover the connection between calories from food and energy expended from the body. 

With all of the various activities listed throughout our website, there is truly something for every grade level. Ways to participate in energy conservation are numerous. Watt Watchers wants to show kids, parents, and teachers that participation can begin at any age or grade level.

Ways to Spread Energy Efficiency Awareness

One of the best ways to spread energy efficiency awareness is by participating in activities that conserve energy daily. While you are at home or school, take a moment to realize when you have done something that saves energy and tell your kids or students what that activity was. Even something as small as turning off a light when leaving a room saves energy that can be used elsewhere. The more you set an example for your children, the more likely it is that they will start to participate as well.

Spreading energy efficiency awareness can also be done through the digital world. Whether it is on social media or through neighborhood watch apps, or anything in between, sharing energy conservation with your friends, family, and neighbors is a great way to spread awareness and keep them informed. 

Parents can also spread awareness with their kids by maintaining the curriculum that their children are learning. When the kids learn something about energy conservation, be sure to put into action the lessons they have learned in school while at home. Turning off the lights or using reusable water bottles are activities that are easy to participate in.

Energy Education in Texas

At Watt Watchers of Texas, we are a state-sponsored STEM program designed to boost students’ energy literacy in Kindergarten through the end of high school through activities and an energy efficiency curriculum. We want to help schools and homes save energy and save money by spreading energy conservation awareness. Our team has developed various free resources, activities, and lesson plans to show kids that it is never too early to participate. 

We also have a program called the Student Energy Patrol to further interest kids in energy conservation. They get to join Lil’ Tex and Ann as official Watt Watchers in their quest to protect Texas against the Wasters Gang, and kids can take charge at home and in school with energy-saving activities. To learn more about conserving energy in Texas and how you and your kids can participate, contact Watt Watchers of Texas today! All of our resources are always free.

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